RACA Mission

Rural Association for Court Administration

Rural Association for Court Administration (RACA) was formed in 1997 and is made up of Court Coordinators and Court Administrators from rural counties in Texas. Our primary goal is to provide members with continuing education specifically tailored for rural counties and their needs.

Annual RACA Education Conference

Continuing Education

RACA has annual conferences held in different counties across the state hosted by that county's court coordinators / administrators. It is interesting and fun to visit and learn about the judicial courts in other counties while obtaining your 16 hours a year of continuing education.

Mark your calendars now for the 25th Annual RACA Conference to be held September 4th-6th, 2024 at the Thompson Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. We will again offer 16 hours of continuing education. Scholarships covering registration and hotel room will be available. We look forward to seeing you there!

Hotel Reservations: Rural Association of Court Administration (hilton.com)


Supporting Court Administrators

Now is your opportunity to join Texas Rural Association for Court Administration (RACA) as a member. Being a member of RACA can be very beneficial to you by networking with other rural members throughout the great State of Texas. Chances are someone from around the state has faced the same challenges or problems that you are facing. Help is just a contact away, and now with the new web site, it's right at your fingertips.

Become A Member

Rural Association for Court Administration

Providing Educational and Network Resources

Courts in rural jurisdictions experience many of the same challenges of courts in larger more urban areas; however, the magnitude of these challenges can be quite different and require unique solutions in many cases. Innovation for Court Administration that is common in larger urban courts is not easily transferable to rural courts for a variety of reasons. Texas RACA aims to help overcome these barriers and provide a network for Court Administrators.


Keep Up to Date With Continuing Education

Rural Association for Court Administration Conferences